Fixing Game Boy Frontlight LOCA Mistakes

Fixing Game Boy Frontlight LOCA Mistakes

"Maybe your Game Boy frontlight installation with LOCA didn't go right -- let's take a look at what's involved in trying again and preventing problems to begin with".

Check out this new video from Colin at This Does Not Comp about how to fix some mistakes when applying LOCA to the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance Frontlights. Some tips include reducing bubbles, removing a frontlight with LOCA that has already been applied, what LOCA to use and other tips to help make your modding experience even better.

Some of our users report being able to reuse the panel after removal if you are careful not to gouge the frontlight when removing. There is no harm in reapplying if it does not work out. Other users have reported shining a bright led through the panel before curing to reveal hidden bubbles in the LOCA underneath the panel.

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