To our trusted community,
The retro landscape has changed drastically over the past decade - new technology and growing interests have made modding more accessible and popular than ever. The past year has accelerated this trend into hyperspeed resulting in perhaps our most challenging year yet. In the wake of COVID-19 and rapid growth, HHL has been forced to change and grow with it.
Despite the changing horizon, I want to reinforce that HHL remains committed to its core vision:
To be the central marketplace for all retro console modding needs. We aim to empower vendors, both large and small, to succeed so that they can create the content that makes our community flourish. We want to be a place that centralizes products and ideas in a way that makes modding what it should be - fun and hassle free.
As we continue growing in 2021, I want to reinforce our commitment to the following pillars of the HHL brand:
- Transparency - we strive to make all of our product descriptions as accurate as they can be. We value up-front and competitive pricing without gimmicks or games. We do not delete or remove negative reviews or feedback.
- Responsibility - we stand behind the products that we sell. When we make mistakes, we work hard to quickly correct them. We value doing right over profit or gain.
- Inclusion - although we cannot make everyone happy, we want to be a place that fosters community and collaboration. We do not stand behind divisive or destructive language. We want to build up rather than tear down.
If at any point we veer off course from these tenets, I invite you to bring it directly to us and point it out. While we cannot avoid recent events in the modding community that appear to invite division, we can recommit ourselves to our values and our hope for what HHL can be. As a small, independent company, we have goals of our own - we do not necessarily share the views of our vendors. We will not let anything detract us from achieving our mission of empowering a community of hobbyists.
Let us come together to create a place where everyone is welcome. Let's stand for what is right, and let's continue to transform the modding landscape over the next decade into what we want it to be.
If you have suggestions or would like to drop us a note, email us at support@handheldlegend.com

Kyle Capel
CEO and founder
CEO and founder